The red, white and blue colour scheme of the masthead connotes a patriotic idea which was very much on trend at the time of the magazine issue date (1981). However the patriotism is contradicted by the mexican poster in the background. This alludes to the image being impromptu and breaks the generic conventions of magazine front covers. The patriotic masthead being juxtaposed to the mexican poster is a post-modern idea as it shows the magazine is aware of the normal convenctions but is daring enough to break them. The red of the poster in the background further connotes that the magazine is daring and passionate.
The male model has a subjective gaze connoting he is too cool to pose as he knows his own status; he is not trying persuade anyone to like or engage with him as he knows they will try to anyway. Another reading of the pose is that the magazine hasn't planned the shot and the model is unaware of the camera, this would relate to the post-modern idea of breaking the convention of every image being pre-meditated to have an effect on the audience. However this spontaneous look does have an effect on the reader as it suggests to them that the magazine is un-convenctional and un-conforming; it is rebelious. The medium long shot of the male is not the only main image on the cover as the poster in the background is of the same size as the model. This proportional layout also breaks generic magazine conventions as there is usually only one main image that takes up a large proportion of the front cover. This could connote that the magazine has more than one focus, music and fashion;the magazine looks at the bigger picture of a whole lifestyle rather than just one aspect. The unconvenctional visual concept also shows how daring the magazine is.
The natural, low key lighting could connote that the model is of lower class as there is no sharp focus spotlight to connote importance. Also the naturalistic lighting suggests the model is down to earth and relatable to the target audience of teenagers and young adults. The colour image uses many shades so that the image replicates real life, this gives the audience a realistic iamge to aspire to achieve. The clothing of the model shares simularities with the model in the poster behind. This could connote that the magazine is promoting immitation of media products and wants its readers to idolise and immmitate models and ideas within the magazine.The cigarette prop connotes that the model and the magazine are rebelious and don't always stick to rules. It also gives the aspirational audience something to aspire to do; a particular lifestyle choice they could make which has been influenced by the magazine. The hand held radio emphasises the music focus the magazine holds and could influence the audience into becoming more music orientated by acting like the model. The bold, sans serif font used for the cover lines and the mast head connotes the magazine is not affraid to make bold statements. It also echoes the simple workig class image of the model suggesting achieving this look is possible. The are no rhetorical devices and very few cover lines. This may connote that images speak louder than words within this magazine and that the magazine sells itself without having to entice the audience with words. However is could also connote that the magazine chooses style over content and may lack quality articles.
"The Face" connotes that the magazine and there is only one. Also it suggests that the magazine is important, essential.
Overall i believe the preferred reading of "The Face" February 1981 is that the mgazine is alternative, rebelious and cool. It is for an aspirational audience that are concerned with images that they can aspire to be like.
The natural, low key lighting could connote that the model is of lower class as there is no sharp focus spotlight to connote importance. Also the naturalistic lighting suggests the model is down to earth and relatable to the target audience of teenagers and young adults. The colour image uses many shades so that the image replicates real life, this gives the audience a realistic iamge to aspire to achieve. The clothing of the model shares simularities with the model in the poster behind. This could connote that the magazine is promoting immitation of media products and wants its readers to idolise and immmitate models and ideas within the magazine.The cigarette prop connotes that the model and the magazine are rebelious and don't always stick to rules. It also gives the aspirational audience something to aspire to do; a particular lifestyle choice they could make which has been influenced by the magazine. The hand held radio emphasises the music focus the magazine holds and could influence the audience into becoming more music orientated by acting like the model. The bold, sans serif font used for the cover lines and the mast head connotes the magazine is not affraid to make bold statements. It also echoes the simple workig class image of the model suggesting achieving this look is possible. The are no rhetorical devices and very few cover lines. This may connote that images speak louder than words within this magazine and that the magazine sells itself without having to entice the audience with words. However is could also connote that the magazine chooses style over content and may lack quality articles.
"The Face" connotes that the magazine and there is only one. Also it suggests that the magazine is important, essential.
Overall i believe the preferred reading of "The Face" February 1981 is that the mgazine is alternative, rebelious and cool. It is for an aspirational audience that are concerned with images that they can aspire to be like.
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