"The Face" was discontinued in 2004 after Wagadon had sold it to EMAP. This meant that the magazine lost it's original stylised focus and became one of many with lots of competitors. This change in production and approach to the magazine became evident in the magazine front covers. I would like to recreate a magazine with a similar style to the original 80's and 90's additions as I believe the zeitgeist of the times has created a gap in the market for the same quality focus the magazine once had. Trends, fashions and music taste from the 80's are current again so I believe there is a demand for a magazine to capture this. If my magazine front cover is in the style of the original 80's "The Face" it will be interpreted differently by a modern audience to how it was in the 80's as at the time it was contemporary but now it is retro. However I believe buying and reading my magazine will give people the same stature as it did in the 80's as it is very much for aspires who wish to recreate the lifestyle and image of artists and celebrities within the magazine. I believe that this is how "The Face" gained such a following in it's height and became a "fashion bible" as well as a music magazine. By combining the two lifestyle choices of music and fashion the magazine created a cult for aspires and attracted two audiences. Shortly after EMAP took over the magazine it became less stylised and lost the target audience of arty, fashionable people and became more about the music. The competition from mainstream and specific music magazines lead to the magazines failing.

The image to the left is of a more recent issue of "The Face". I feel as though this image lacks originality and identity, therefore I will my magazine front cover gives my magazine a clear identity and attracts a specific target audience through it's identity. I will create this by using artistic images and a varied layout. The cover to the right is of an 80's addition of "The Face". This cover is striking and artistic and would immediately appeal to it's target audience. This stylised image is what I wish to echo.
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