Friday, 5 February 2010

Qu 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I have chosen an image of Lenny Kravitz as he similar to my cover model as they are psychographically and demographically similar, and would both attract my audience. Both images are mid-shots although my image is closer up. Another similarity is the subjective gaze both subjects have, however the eye area is lit by more high key lighting on my image, giving more eye contact with the reader. There are differences in gesture with the images. My model has his head slightly tilted up which connotes superiority or attitude. The other model has his head tilted down however this gives similar connotations. Both models have neutral facial expressions further connoting a "cool" attitude. As my image is a studio image I have been able to position the artificial lighting as I desired. I chose a chiascuro style of lighting as the light and shade adds drama that the facial expression and gesture lacks; the image has impact without the model loosing his superior identity. The opposing image has ambient lighting which is quite low key. The costume and hair of both models is similar as they're clothing is relaxed and informal and they both have small afros. The relaxed, laid back attitude and clothing both models have would attract my audience as they would not like to see a model trying too hard, i.e posing, they would prefer people to be natural and themselves as this is how they act.

Demographically the models share similarities as they are of the same gender and similar race. I chose to have a male as the cover image not as it is a male gendered magazine but as I believe a male image will attract both sexes as it acts as a role model of males and a symbol of attraction for females. If I had chosen an image of a female I may have run the risk of only targeting females as males may not like to be seen buying a magazine with a "pretty" not "sexy" female on the front. My magazine is targeted at a wide range of social classes but mainly ABC1C2. The magazine is psychographic specific rather than demographic as it targets people with similar interests but they could be from all walks of life. The magazine is mainly aimed at individuals which justifies the ethnicity of the model and the range of models used throughout the magazine. The target audience of individuals means the magazine is pro-consumerist in a subtle way. The images in the magazine create an image for my audience to be inspired by, however as they are individual they won't respond well to having an exact product forced upon them; they would not like to be seen as following the crowd. My magazine could attract advertisers, however, as it is a niche magazine it is a good place for niche companies to advertise. This is beneficial all round as niche companies cannot get advertising space in mainstream magazines and my readership would not respond well to mainstream products.

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